Consultation launched on Hague Convention 2019

The government has launched a consultation seeking views on its plan for the UK to become a Contracting State to Hague 2019 by ratifying it and implementing it into domestic law.

Hague 2019 sets out to provide a global framework of common rules to facilitate the recognition and enforcement of judgments from one jurisdiction to another.

As part of the decision-making process on becoming a Contracting State to Hague 2019, the government is looking to gather wide-ranging perspectives, especially from expert practitioners who have experience of current cross-border litigation.

The government is particularly seeking views of legal professionals, academics, and individuals with an interest in PIL.

The government believes that “a strong multilateral framework of PIL agreements is the best way to provide certainty for businesses and citizens doing business in or moving to other countries or having cross-border relationships”.

They also said that the UK has long been a world leader in the development of international co-operation in PIL, demonstrated by the significant role the UK plays in the Hague Conference on International law as one of its earliest members and in particular in the development and negotiation of the Hague 2019 Convention. The consultation note added:

“Being among one of the first parties to sign and ratify Hague 2019 would demonstrate the UK’s intention to maintain global leadership in PIL, providing an opportunity to champion the Convention and promote the Hague Conference on Private International Law which the government believes is an important vehicle to drive the UK’s PIL Strategy in the coming years.”

hague convention

The Consultation will be open for a period of 8 weeks. Send your response to:


Alternatively, you can send responses by post to:

Private International Law
International Justice Policy Division
Ministry of Justice
9th Floor
102 Petty France
London SW1H 9AJ

Further information on Hague 2019 and the consultation can be found here.

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