Growing public awareness of family mediation for separating couples offers ‘real promise for reducing costly court conflict’

Two thirds of people are aware that family mediation is an option to help avoid court and resolve money, parenting, and property issues, should they face divorce or separation, according to a new survey of 1,027 people.

But awareness of the process – which family mediators say is growing – is yet to switch into action, with nearly half of people saying their first professional port of call in divorce or separation would be a lawyer.

The survey, undertaken by Survation for The Family Mediation Council (FMC) to coincide with Family Mediation Week (27th – 31st January), indicates that 66% of people are aware of the process of family mediation. However, when asked which type of professional help would first be turned to for help resolving money, parenting, or property issues, 45% said a lawyer, with just three out of ten choosing an approach to a family mediator. Stephen Burke, Chair of the FMC, said:

“It’s good that so many people know family mediation is an option to help them resolve money, property and parenting issues in divorce or separation. 

It is now my goal to ensure that growing awareness means that divorcing and separating couples take action, knocking on a family mediator’s door first. They will do so knowing the process can lead to their issues being resolved more quickly, with less stress and less expense than if they head off to a court.”

Mr Burke says that the 1,000-plus mediators registered with the FMC – the home of regulated family mediation in England and Wales – have seen a growing interest in the profession in recent years. He added:

“The findings of our benchmark survey are encouraging for family mediators, but this new data shows there is still much work to do. The FMC will now redouble its efforts to ensure the many benefits of the process are understood far and wide, starting with Family Mediation Week which takes place from 27 – 31 January.”

Now an annual fixture, Family Mediation Week features a range of free events for members of the public and family law professionals to learn about family mediation and its benefits. Organised by the FMC, it aims to encourage separating couples to think about family mediation as a way of helping them take control, make decisions together and build a positive future for their family.

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