Professor Dame Hazel Genn will be interviewed by Baroness Halle in a special ‘This is your Life’ event to explore the highlights of her career to date and her thoughts on the future.
This event will be looking in particular at the importance of the judiciary for equal societies, how we can tackle structural inequalities and will reflect on:
-breaking the glass ceiling (as Britain’s first female law lord; the first woman to serve on the UK’s Supreme Court; and the first to become its President);
-the importance of diversity and inclusion within the judiciary and society;
-the importance of the rule of law for breaking down inequalities and delivering justice;
-a high point in Baroness Hale’s career and her hopes for the future of the judiciary;
-current preoccupations; and
-what advice she would give to scholars at the start of their careers.
The Zoom webinar will take place on Tuesday 2nd February between 6.00-7.15pm.
For more details and to book on the event please click here.