Every year, thousands of people in the UK face court alone. Often through no choice of their own, they must represent themselves at a moment that could determine the rest of their life. They may face divorce, eviction from their home, or the loss of their children. In an unfamiliar courtroom, up against a party with legal representation, the process can be stressful and confusing.

Support Through Court stand with those who have nowhere else to turn. They provide a free service across England and Wales, offering support and guidance to people before, during, and after court. The charity makes sure people facing court are not alone, and helps them navigate a complex legal system with dignity and self-assurance. Their volunteers help clients put their papers in order and prepare well, so they are clear about what they need to say in court and so that they can best represent themselves. Volunteers also go with clients to hearings and debrief with them afterwards.

An award-winning charity with over 500 dedicated volunteers, they operate from 16 courts and universities across England and Wales, as well as running a National Helpline. Despite the growing need for their work, Support Through Court remain the only organisation providing this service.

Key services

National Helpline
Services (based in courts and universities)

Key links


Key contact

Esther Elshen
0300 400 0143
For our services, Fundraising and press numbers please see: Support Through Court

Leeds Beckett University

Ten years since the Legal Aid Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Act 2012 (LASPO), an exciting new partnership offers hope to those facing court alone. Leeds Beckett University’s Leeds Law School has partnered with Support
