Family law marked as ‘stable’ area of litigation

Not another seminar?

Yes! And plenty more, I say!

Whilst the legislation has not changed materially since 1973, except of course for the Divorce Dissolution and Separation Act 2020, in so far as how we deal with financial issues, case law and procedure are constantly changing. We all must keep up.

As helpful as they are, all too easily we can become overwhelmed by the numerous emails each day from publications with updates. My colleagues and I use our regular team meetings to summarise and highlight the specific areas of interest. It ensures that we as a team are ahead of the curve, and this can only benefit our clients. There is no excuse these days not to be up to date and ‘on the ball’.

We have new reported decisions from Judge’s every day, and amongst our 9 – 5 (yeah right!) I don’t know about you but whilst I try to carve out time in the day to keep up to date with case law and Rule changes, it is very difficult to find the time for everything.

So, when do we make the time, as busy practitioners? For me, it’s the seminars that are the best way to carve out time. You can block out a whole day, put the “out of office” on, and know you are going to be full to the brim with knowledge at the end of it.

Take a few weeks ago, for example, along with the rest of the Family Team at Wilsons I was invited to the prestigious 1 Hare Court seminar. A team day away from the office, a time to speak to other colleagues, network with other lawyers and the clerks, speak to Counsel whom we instruct, strengthen relationships, and then to receive a slick, jam packed seminar presented by some of the best in the field.

I always come away felling inspired, and the fire is reignited to be the best family lawyer I can be. That day was no different.

If you say you don’t need to go to another seminar, what more is there to know about? In my view, you’re wrong!

I also attended another half a day seminar a few weeks later, which was in conjunction with Pump Court Chambers. Counsel presenting were on top form, as they usually are, putting a playful spin on the case law and the Judge’s comments. It was another opportunity to network with my former colleagues from my previous circuit. I’m not sure I can think of another opportunity where that would happen.

It’s not just ensuring the CPD box is ticked, its ensuring that we are up to date with the recent case law and Rule changes, so we can ensure we are top of our game and to provide the best advice to our clients as possible.

It’s an opportunity to network, strengthen your connections, and sometimes if you’re lucky, there’s a good lunch and some drinks afterwards!

So, the next time you receive ‘another’ email about a course, webinar, seminar, or whatever it be, do go. And we must not forget, Counsel and anyone else presenting, has put a lot of time and effort into preparing their lectures and we should respect that, and listen to them, after all, they’re the ones who we will be instructing on behalf of our clients.

Ah, an email about Today’s Family Lawyer Conference 2024, best book on…

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