Join us for the legal services event aimed at preparing law firms for the relaxing of lockdown restrictions in the UK. The time has come to embrace a hybrid working model and set your partners and fee earners up for success.
Date & Time: 25/05/2021, 10am (duration 2 hrs incl. Q&A)
The UK Government has set a date of no earlier than 21st June for removing all legal limits on social contact. This could tentatively be considered as the “back to normal” date.
At that point, they will want to stimulate the economy and, to help that, are likely to promote returning to the office.
UK law firms need to prepare for hybrid working as the pandemic has initiated a sea change in our views of what work is. Work is now considered more what we do, rather than where we go.
REGISTER NOW: Law firms looking to seamlessly implement a hybrid workplace strategy
Meet Our Speakers
- Preparing For The Future Workplace: Research-Backed Legal Insight
- Jo Summers: Client Development Director, Acritas (Part Of Thomson Reuters)
- Implementing It Change Projects Fit For The New Legal Workplace
- David Baskerville: Director And Lead Consultant, Baskerville Drummond Group
- Managing Your Staff And Instilling Company Culture Remotely
- Alex Holt: Director Of Business Development, The Cashroom
- Today’s Cyber Security Risks For The Modern Law Firm
- Jennifer Williams: CTO, Lawyer Checker
- IT For Smart Law Firms – Developing A Smart Device Strategy
- Paul Butterworth: Head Of Sales, Atlas Cloud
This article was submitted to be published by Lawyer Checker as part of their advertising agreement with Today’s Family Lawyer. The views expressed in this article are those of the submitter and not those of Today’s Family Lawyer.