How To Improve Your Objection Handing

We have discussed previously the importance of recognising the difference between call handling, and enquiry handling.

While the two share certain traits, there is more nuance to being able to build rapport with and win over a prospective customer to use your services.

One of the greatest assets in any enquiry handler’s armory is the ability to handle objections. This is the process of providing reassurance to somebody who has flagged a potential roadblock to using your service.

Objection handling is not simply a process of Q&A. The key is to not allow any level of confrontation to enter into the discussion. You must align yourself with your prospective customer’s thinking to enable a level of empathy, and provide reassurance on their query.

Most purchasing decisions are based on emotion and you must ensure that your response helps them feel better about the situation.

All objections are either specified or unspecified:

  • Specified: they are sure about a specific thing which they raise with you e.g. The price seems high.
  • Unspecified: they do not specify what their objection is e.g. I want to think about it/hesitation

In most cases, behind every unspecified objection is a specified objection that you can dig around carefully for!

It’s important to not simply ask why as this allows them to reaffirm their position and can damage rapport building.

Instead, try and align your thinking with theirs; “I understand why you may be hesitant, could I just ask, is that you have had a cheaper quote elsewhere? Or is it that your not ready to proceed yet?

And it’s critical that you don’t push too much. Say for example they want to speak with their partner first. Align with them, say you will send an email and will call them back once they have had that opportunity.

Read our top tips about how to effectively handle objections and for more information about how The Move Exchange can help you win more business from existing enquiries please contact us today.

Sarah Brocklebank






As Client Relationship Manager, Sarah plays a key role in helping our customers maximise their investment in The Move Exchange. Sarah and her strong, business-minded team are committed to helping firms win and nurture new business leads and improve conversion rates.
Speak to her today to find out how The Move Exchange could work for you.
Telephone: 0330 223 2913.

The Move Exchange is a quote and conversion service which helps law firms convert more business from existing enquirers, either as an entirely outsourced partner or as an overflow service. As a dedicated conversion specialist we have a strong track record of delivering significant increases in conversions rates for law firms and panel managers.

The Move Exchange is part of The Practical Vision Network, which include the award-winning cyber security suite Lawyer Checker, Solve Legal marketing solutions for law firms, and the Today’s publications.

This article was submitted to be published by The Move Exchange as part of their advertising agreement with Today’s Family Lawyer. The views expressed in this article are those of the submitter and not those of Today’s Family Lawyer.

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