HM Courts and Tribunals Service’s (HMCTS) ambitious £1bn reform programme which plans to overhaul, modernise and improve the court system is falling behind schedule with concerns over access to justice.
A watchdog has revealed that almost 80 more courts in England and Wales face closure under a transformation scheme.
With the HMCTS already three years into a £1bn programme of changes, a National Audit Office (NAO) report warned HMCTS that they are facing huge delays and failing to take into consideration the experiences of those using the courts.
Gareth Davies, the head of NAO said: “HMCTS has made good progress in reforming some services but it is behind where it expected to be and has had to scale back its ambitions.”
Gareth further adds: “The timescale and scope remain ambitious and [it] must maintain a strong grip if it is to deliver a system that works better for everyone and delivers savings for the taxpayer.”
Earlier in the year, following feedback from the NAO and Public Accounts Committee HMCTS delayed the completion date of their programme, which is expected to finish in 2023, a year longer than the original completion date.
The reform includes an increase in the use of “virtual hearings” in criminal cases where judges and magistrates will liaise with defendants from a police headquarters or prison via a video link.
Unexpectedly, the report confirms a high number of courts being considered for closure, with a total of 77 courts currently being scheduled to shut down which, until recently, stood at a possible 96 courts being in line for closure.
Since 2010 more than half of all magistrates courts in England and Wales have not been in operation, meaning those professionals and families involvement in the court system are forced to travel over 50 miles to access local justice.
Plus, a further 133 tribunal, crown, county and family courts have also closed over the same period.
The report says HMCTS has not given sufficient consideration to concerns about access to justice.
The Law Society ‘agrees that a modernised court service and efficient use of technology would benefit all users. However, this must not come at the expense of justice. The system must be open, accessible and affordable.’
The Labour MP Meg Hillier, the chair of the public accounts committee, said: “A government transformation plan off-track and scaled back is a broken record. HMCTS has not bucked this trend. It must ensure that further reforms, particularly those that include closing more courts do not mean citizens lose access to justice.”
Penelope Gibbs, the director of the campaign group Transform Justice, said: “Is our court closure programme just an exercise in selling off the family silver? More than half our magistrates courts have been closed since 2010 but this NAO report reveals for the first time that the government plans to close around 80 more courts….”
Susan Acland-Hood, the chief executive of the HMCTS was more optimistic about the NAO report. She added: “We are pleased the NAO has recognised the progress we have made towards a more accessible and efficient justice system. More than 300,000 people have now used our online services, and two new service centres are making it easier and quicker for all to access help.
“This is an ambitious and challenging programme but is already making a significant difference. We will continue to listen and learn, working closely with our stakeholders to improve and ensure reform delivers the full benefits to all those who use our justice system.”
As a family lawyer, how will this impact on access to justice for families?