Her Majesty’s Court and Tribunal Service (HMCTS) have released some guidance for practitioners with regards to completing and filing paper-based divorces.
HHJ Roberts, the National Lead on Divorce, has asked that when dealing with paper-based divorces, issued out of the Regional Divorce Centres (RDC) that we communicate with them by DX/letter wherever possible.
Whilst HMCTS are mindful that many of us are still working from home and may not have access to printers, post-boxes or DX, the number of emails in RDC inboxes is mounting up and leading to severe delays. Those delays are compounded by chasing emails being sent, complaining about the delay.
HMCTS recognise the implications of Brexit on family law and are working to prioritise applications for Decree Nisi in the hope that they can be dealt with backlogs prior to 01.01.2020. To do that they need our help, understanding and consideration.
To help the Regional Divorce Units work through the backlog of cases could all members (and their support staff) please:
- Use the online portal whenever possible for new petitions
- Send petitions, applications, request for DN and DA, statements in support etc. in the post or DX wherever possible.
- If email is the only method of communication that you can adopt, email once only, do not send a hard copy and ensure that the case number and a brief description is set out clearly in the email subject line – e.g. BV19D0001234 Reschair – Application for Decree Absolute This will assist the Court staff sorting through the hundreds of emails they receive each day (It is particularly important that any application for Decree Absolute is headed in this way)
- Refrain from sending chasing emails – this only increases the workload for staff
- Refrain from sending encrypted emails – having to access a separate system, put in a password and download letters/documents takes up significantly more time that dealing with a paper letter/application.
Written and appeared first on Resolution.