• April 27, 2024

Manisha Hurchum

Manisha is an associate solicitor in our Family Law department. She joined Mackrell.Solicitors in February 2016, having qualified as a lawyer in 2008.

Manisha has particular expertise in children law encompassing the full range of Section 8 Children Act applications and others with international elements.

She also has a wide breadth of experience in divorce, judicial separation and nullity cases, including defended and undefended suits, which is supported by her extensive working knowledge and experience in financial remedy applications.

She has advised a broad range of clients, be it victims of domestic violence; both men and women or conflicting parents struggling to regularise living and time arrangements regarding their children.

She has also assisted with international issues surrounding children’s travel arrangements, helping to settle marital finances where issues of capacity are involved and applications to change a child’s surname.