Aimee Fox is a specialist in Education and Family Law. She handles an established practice specialising in financial remedies and private law proceedings.  She is often instructed for her expertise in education law (SEN) to assist on related Children Act matters. Aimee’s financial remedy work has included a variety of high value disputes. She continues to be in constant demand for her expertise in complex and highly sensitive cases.

Aimee has extensive experience in tribunals relating to EHC Plans. She has also been successful in a number of judicial reviews and appeals to the Upper Tribunal. Aimee’s expertise is such that she is often invited to train other practitioners and was recently invited to speak on Education Law at the Annual Conference of Chartered Paediatric Physiotherapists at the Emirates Stadium.

Children with additional learning needs

The Family Court has the child’s welfare as its paramount or first consideration but when and how should the court take account of a child’s additional needs? If a party raises an argument that a
