Further calls for the legal sector to embrace further diversity have had a spot light shone on them in the Financial Times, as their legal correspondent Kate Beioley focused on the issue in one of her latest articles.
In her article Kate points out:
“Ten years after the regulator was set up, the LSB (Legal Service Board), has published a report in which it says the sector is “failing society” by preventing the most disadvantages in society from accessing legal services and from forging a career in the law.”
She then adds:
“But representation is a trickier problem to fix. When it comes to gender, race and schooling, the upper echelons of the law are still decidedly white, middle class, and from a relatively small number of “elite” private intitutions.
“It certainly isn’t all clear-cut. Data from the Solicitors Regulation Authority puts the proportion of black, Asian and minority ethnic lawyers in the UK at 21 per cent, a higher proportion that estimates for the Bame (sic) working age population.”
The full article can be found here.
Do you have any thoughts on how to increase diversity in the legal sector?