Overcoming the challenges associated with economic instability looks set to trouble individuals and businesses alike in 2023. Increased wage demands look certain to add to the rising cost of doing business, both fuelled by rising inflation.
The impact of this situation means the Bank of England at their next Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) meeting on Thursday 15th December 2022 are likely to vote for another increase in the official bank rate.
Rising interest rates will be an unwelcome thought for many mortgage holders however for legal practices that hold client monies, the rise in interest rates should be welcome news.
Did you know the finance function could possibly generate more income in one hour than the average fee earner could in one year.
Sounds ridiculous right, but according to the LMS Benchmarking Survey 2022, written by Hazelwoods Accountants, the average fee earner bills £134k per annum with a breakeven point of £121k.
- That means the average fee earner contributes a “super profit” of just over £13k for an entire year’s work
- In contrast, a deposit balance of £5m could generate c£130k per year, so you can understand why firms are thinking hard about their approach toward managing client monies.
The finance function could complete the application forms in under one hour and benefit from increased interest income and mitigate some of the risks dealing with a single banking provider.
That’s where we come in.
At Gemstone Legal, we help firms generate maximum income from client funds. We work with banking providers to offer you the best rates available, without disrupting you primary banking relationship.
We understand that the primary objective of a law firm is not to focus on income from client monies, but you can’t ignore an opportunity to generate significant income with very little effort. With the rising costs of doing business, an uncertain economic outlook and the difficulty of recruiting fee earners to help generate income, law firm leaders must explore opportunities to protect profit levels.
The “Client Money Interest Scorecard” is the first step to creating a sustainable strategy which will deliver valuable recurring income for your law firm. Not only could your law firm receive higher interest you could also benefit by having a contingent banking partner should your primary bankers experience a system drop out. It does happen!
Are you ready to earn more interest on your client monies?
Access the scorecard: https://www.gemstonelegal.co.uk/cminterestscorecard
You will be presented with 12 multiple choice questions which:
- Only takes only two minutes to complete
- Helps to uncover how your firm could generate additional income.
- No need to provide any sensitive financial information.