Every year we inevitably hear the voice of Mariah Carey singing possibly one of the most iconic modern Christmas tune (unless you are a rebel and answer the beginning of the lyrics with “my two front teef”):
“I don’t want a lot for Christmas
There is just one thing I need
I don’t care about the presents
Underneath the Christmas tree”
I can assure you that I am not in need of two front teeth, but I do care about the presents under the tree, but more for the fact of ensuring my children have something to open on Christmas morning and more importantly they are thankful that they have the privilege.
However, for a little bit of festive fun, we asked our guest writers and twitter followers what they wanted for Christmas, in regards to their career or future legislative changes.
The most common theme was that of a quiet Christmas, one where clients would not be bombarding them with questions or demands for those few sacred days. Although it looks like even without the client interruptions, solicitors are telling us that they still will not be having a break:
Sarah Jane Lenihan told us on Twitter;
“No client emergencies between Christmas and new year so I can catch up on admin :)”
Another popular wish, and one I can relate to, was that of law students, hoping for a successful New Year in their studies and traineeships.
“To secure a criminal or family law traineeship” from Charlene in Glasgow
Many are hoping for more generous gifts for the public benefit by way of legislative change in the New Year, as well as some much needed help in the legal sector.
“No fault divorce please!! Oh and in-house therapeutic support for solicitors in every firm (not asking for much of course)” came from Annmarie Carvalho at The Carvalho Consultancy.
“the no fault divorce and a fully digitalised court process!” said Natalie Wiles from Langleys Law
“I’m hoping to see the reintroduction of the domestic abuse and no fault divorce bills and to see some rights brought in for unmarried couples.” says Laura Naser from Pennington Manches Cooper
“I wish for the no fault divorce legislation to finally come in. The necessity for separating couples to have to lay blame at each other is archaic.” Donna Rose from Amphlett Lissimore
No matter what you wish for this Christmas, we hope that you will get a few days to relax. From all of us at the Today’s publications, we wish you a Merry Christmas and a successful and prosperous New Year.
We look forward to providing you with up to date and interesting articles in the next decade.