A Parenting Apart Programme that puts children first

A Parenting Apart Programme that puts children first

A Parenting Apart Programme (PAP) has been specifically designed to bring children’s emotional wellbeing to the forefront by supporting those parents going through conflict, divorce or separation.

The needs of children who are caught in the middle of separating parents are more often not met because the parent’s communication has completely broken down and battling against each other. Divorce and separation doesn’t just impact on the couple as it can be confusing and stressful for the loved ones around too, with children having no control over what is happening – resulting in their lives been thrown upside down and left with anger and anxiety feelings.

The PAP is designed to assist and guide separating parents through the separation process while ensuring children’s wellbeing is at the heart of every decision made to work towards outcomes that are beneficial and positive for the whole family.

Analysis has found that children can suffer when their parents’ marriage ends, no matter how amicable the split. The divorce rate in the United Kingdom is around 0.8% of those married and has been gradually reducing since 2004, to the extent that it is now 36% lower (2015 figures).

Kam Kaur, senior social worker at PAP said:

“The voice of the child is at the heart of everything we do. We improve the mental health, emotional and physical wellbeing of children whose parents are divorcing or separating. We do this by supporting parents going through divorce, separation and conflict to prioritise the mental health, emotional and physical wellbeing of their children.”

Seeing separation through the eyes of children Separating parents are referred to the structured four-week programme so that they can refocus on their children’s welfare needs instead of issues arising from their relationship breakdown. Each parent meets individually with a trained PAP practitioner to develop trust before meeting together with their estranged partner.

During the joint sessions, they learn how to communicate and, crucially, form a new respectful relationship focused on parenting and seeing their separation through the eyes of their children.

Kevin Harris James, a partner at Harrison Clark Rickerbys has referred parents. He said:

“So often upon the ending of a relationship the fallout tends to involve a tug of war over the children, and this is where the Parenting Apart Programme really rises to the challenge, helping separating couples prioritise the physical and emotional needs and welfare of their children above all else via a form of alternative dispute resolution,”

“The programme provides separating parents with the impartial and objective assistance they so often desperately need to help mend the broken family dynamic as far as the effective co-parenting of the children is concerned.”

To find out more about the Parenting Apart Programme and training, contact: 01562 700447 or enquiries@parentingapartprogramme.co.uk.

PAP leaflet for professionals
Overview of the Parenting Apart Programme and its Effectiveness
Parenting Apart Programme Social Impact Report 2019
The Parenting Apart Programme

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