November 2019 marks the 30th anniversary of the passing of the Children’s Act 1989.
The Children’s Act 1989, is a landmark piece of legislation for children and families going through the family courts and for social work practice in the UK. The act was implemented in October 1991, making the welfare of the child the court’s ‘paramount’ concern.
Throughout November, organisations such as Cafcass, the Law Commission, Baroness Hale, and others will play their part in marking the anniversary of a law, which brought together public and private law under one statute for children.
Jacky Tiotto, Cafcass Chief Executive, commented:
“There are a number of core principles associated with the Children Act 1989 which I believe are as strong and necessary now as they were 30 years ago.
“Specifically, that it is in children’s best interests to be brought up in and by their families where this is safe enough, that where this is not possible they should live with people connected to them (again where this is safe enough) and that the State must only intervene in families where not doing so would cause harm or further harm to a child or children.
“Our challenge now is to revisit these principles and to test them against the needs of families today, the experiences of children growing up now and the capacity in our family justice and social care systems.”