4 Tips to Better Client Relationships

4 Tips to Better Client Relationships

Your clients trust you in some of the most important times of their lives—when dealing with separation, divorce, custody, and a range of other matters that can have profound effects on their family unit. As such, it is essential that you consider how effectively you’re managing your client relationships. In fact, if managing client relationships […]

What is the Parenting Apart Programme all about?

Dr Paul Walton is the Training and a Programme Developer on the Parenting Apart Programme (PAP). As a Clinical Psychologist specialising in working with children who’ve experienced relational trauma and a Systemic Family Therapist specialising in emotional driven communication within families, I was asked to join the Parenting Apart Team to ensure the programme maintained […]

No-Fault Divorce Delayed to 2022

The implementation of the Divorce, Dissolution and Separation Act has been delayed until 6 April 2022, to the dismay of family practitioners who had hoped the reforms would be implemented this autumn after previous Government commitments.  The reason for the delay is to allow sufficient time for the digital arm of the service to be […]

Couples will no longer need to play the blame game, when it comes to divorce

Last year, The Divorce, Dissolution and Separation Act 2020 was given Royal Assent and will now come into force on 6th April 2022. This new Act means couples will no longer need to attribute blame to get divorced if they agree that their marriage has sadly broken down. Whilst the Act is now law, there […]

March divorce applications 21% higher than January

March divorce applications 21% higher than January

Typically, the media cite that January is ‘divorce month’ something that is propelled due to people setting themselves New Year’s Resolutions of a new year, new start. Those in the family law sector has strongly opposed this perception and have taken numerous stances to demonstrate that new year resolutions don’t produce high divorce levels. According […]