Continued Deterioration Of Court Standards

Continued Deterioration Of Court Standards

Despite the HMCTS modernisation programme, the standards of family courts are continuing to deteriorate according to a survey by Resolution.  The survey, that took place in the first and final quarters of 2019 revealed that members were finding increased delays in processing and hearing of urgent cases.    It was also reported that concerns over the accuracy and […]

Resolution Looking For New Committee Members

Resolution Looking For New Committee Members

Five committees within Resolution are looking for new members to join their teams and are welcoming applications from members of all backgrounds.  Describing the work as demanding and complex, the roles also promise to be productive, enjoyable and rewarding, with access to expertise, new perspectives and professional networking opportunities.    The five committees are:  Collaborative Working Party that look to engage and support […]

Pilot Scheme Launched For Affordable Advice

Pilot Scheme Launched For Affordable Advice

An online pilot scheme has been launched that will help separating couples by providing affordable advice at crucial points in the separating process. Blending an online guide from Law for Life’s Advicenow website as well as offline advice from a panel of Resolution family lawyers, the ‘Affordable Advice’ will deliver affordable fixed fee, price transparency […]