Judge’s Sentencing Remarks To Be Televised From Crown Courts

Judge’s Sentencing Remarks To Be Televised From Crown Courts

Following draft legislation laid down by the government on 16 January, television cameras will be given the authority to broadcast the sentencing remarks of judges in some high-profile courts throughout England and Wales. Applying to the sentencing from High Court and Senior Circuit judges, including the Old Bailey, the Crown Court (Recording and Broadcasting) Order […]

Courts Failing Rape Victims


A topic of conversation currently dominating the news is rape. Two headlines across many of the front pages are the Ayia Napa case and the Weinstein trial. If you have been on a social media and news cleanse this holiday season, this is a very brief summary of the Ayia Napa case: A British 19-year-old […]

What A Conservative Government Means To Family Law

Houses of Parliament

The Conservatives’ ‘less is more’ approach to the election campaign has more than paid off gaining 47 seats and taking a majority government with 364 seats in the House of Commons whilst also relegating the Labour Party to their worst defeat since 1935.    With the largest win since the Thatcher Governments, we look back at the Conservative manifesto to […]

McKenzie Friends Giving “Worrying, Biased And Misleading Advice”

McKenzie Friends found to be giving worrying, biased and misleading advice

A study by Birmingham City University and University of Leeds has found that McKenzie Friends (MFs) give ‘biased and misleading’ advice in family law.  Researchers examined 170 threads from three Facebook groups used by MFs to discuss family law cases, found ‘many negative attitudes expressed towards lawyers, social services and the court system’, compared to a few positive comments.  The research was undertaken […]

Committee Reports On Court And Tribunal Reforms 

Court and tribunal reforms - select committee report

The House of Commons Justice Committee has released its second report of 2019 into the Court and Tribunal Reforms amid serious concerns about the effect on access to justice and its efficient despatch of the current court and tribunal modernisation programme.  Although the report agrees that services that have been long overdue, are being implemented, the new […]