How to go paperless in your law firm

Seeking to go paperless in your office? These three steps can get you started today.

  1. Onboard clients digitally

The simplest way to reduce your paper use is to stop creating new paper files and documentation. One way to achieve that is to move from a paper-based client system to a digital one.

With technology, you can reduce a lot of paper from the intake and onboarding process: client details can be stored in a spreadsheet or in an online folder. Documents can be emailed and sent for e-signature. Moving to a client relationship management (CRM) platform for lawyers, such as Clio Grow, can offer even more paperless benefits. CRMs and practice management software allow you to set up paperless agreements, intake forms, billing, and e-signatures, for example.

  1. Convert your existing files

Unless you are a brand-new law firm, chances are good that you have at least some (or many) paper files and documents stored in your office or in use now. This is where a quality digital scanner will come in handy. Start with the documents you need immediately and work backwards when digitising. A cloud-based storage system, such as Dropbox or OneDrive, can be used for storage. Alternatively, consider a practice management software (such as Clio’s which has in-built cloud storage) to store all client details where it can be accessed in just a few clicks.

Be sure to shred documents that are no longer required and take your time to clear the back log—it should be a marathon and not a sprint.

  1. Adopt clear processes

If you want a paperless system to stick, it is imperative that you outline that system in writing. This should answer questions, such as:

  • What should be done with paper files dropped off by clients?
  • How are files named and organised on your cloud storage server?
  • Who is responsible for making sure this all gets done?

Going paperless can help your law firm to lower overheads, collaborate more easily with colleagues and clients, and positively impact the environment. For more details on how your firm can go paperless—including detailed steps for organising your digital files, dealing with your existing paper files, and staff training—check out Clio’s free guide.

Download “The Green Law Firm: A Lawyer’s Guide to a Paperless Office”

This article was submitted to be published by Clio as part of their advertising agreement with Today’s Family Lawyer. The views expressed in this article are those of the submitter and not those of Today’s Family Lawyer.

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