Gates divorce move could boost children’s inheritance

Gates divorce move could boost children’s inheritance

Following the news of their divorce, the battle lines have been drawn further between Bill and Melinda Gates, as the billonaire’s estranged wife looks to increase her children’s inheritance of $10m each.

Melinda has hired top trust and estate lawyers to her legal team, as the assets – worth $130bn – she shares with her husband of almost three decades are divided.

Although Bill has been quite vocal about leaving his three children, Jennifer, 25, Rory, 21 and Phoebe, 18 the large lump sum, experts now believe the move made by their mother shows that she has different aspirations for her children.

Harriet Newman Cohen and Martha Cohen Stine, who are well know celebrity divorce lawyers across the pond, have shared their views about the bold move made by Melinda.

Harriet Newman Cohen commented:

“Bill Gates proudly announced to the world he was leaving $10million to each of his three children and the rest will be left to charity.

“Now that Melinda has control – maybe she wanted to leave more to her children than $10m each. Maybe she didn’t agree.”

The lawyer said that giving the kids just $10million out of their parents’ total wealth is ‘tantamount to disinheriting [them]’, adding:

“We see divorces for the reason that the mother wants to protect the children. She may be like every other woman… protecting her children.”

The divorce petition was filed by Melinda on 3rd May 2021, and it indicated that the couple had reached a ‘separation contract’ which detailed how they would split assets. If inheritance was not addressed in the contract, either Melinda or Bill could seek to change the amount left to the children.

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