CILEx Regulation launches consultation on future of CILEx professionals

CILEx Regulation (CRL) has launched a consultation into how the present system of regulation can work better for consumers, the regulated community and the wider public, now that the recent investigation by the Legal Services Board has concluded.

CRL is asking those it regulates, as well as interested parties across the legal community and the public, for their views on a number of key issues:

  • Whether you support the present system of independent regulation for CILEX professionals;
  • Whether you support our plans to put proposals to CILEX to reshape the way the PCF is calculated, which should enable us to look to reduce costs for Fellows whilst others we currently regulate bear their share of the costs of regulation;
  • Whether you support our plans to modernise the relationship between CILEX and CRL to give CRL more operational independence, and enable us to provide a better service;
  • Whether you support our plans to simplify the way people can start a law firm – “CRL Law Firm in a Box”- which will help more CILEX professionals and others set up a business;
  • Whether you support our plans to ensure education requirements reflect the specialist needs of CILEX practitioners; and
  • Whether you support the increased efforts to champion the importance of CILEX professionals.

Commenting on the consultation, Jonathan Rees, Chair of CILEx Regulation, said:

“Our overall aim in this consultation is to help create an improved regulatory system which makes the most of independent regulation tailored to the unique contribution CILEx practitioners provide to the legal system and ultimately leads to more competition and a better deal for consumers of legal services generally. We believe the best way to do this is to ask all those with an interest in an open and evidence-based way.

The people we regulate are unique. They work alongside solicitors and barristers, argue cases in court, and advise on specialist areas of the law. Having come into the law from diverse backgrounds, they are known for their ability and experience, but it has not always been easy for their needs to be understood, their status to be recognised, and their voice to be heard.

Our role, as an independent specialist regulatory body, is to protect consumers’ interests and the wider public interest, promote high professional standards and encourage a diverse and effective legal profession. While we are proud of the high standards that we maintain, we strive continuously for improvement to ensure that our regulatory activities remain effective and fit for purpose.

Much has changed in the 15 years since we were established. Consumers are more cost conscious, more diverse, and they rightly have increased expectations of legal professionals. Technology offers huge opportunities to improve services and streamline regulation. The market continues to change fast, and regulatory arrangements need to adapt accordingly.

Equally we need to preserve what has worked well: independent regulation informed by the contribution of CILEX professionals as one of CRL’s stakeholders, a regulatory system that recognises the distinctive and specialist contribution CILEX professionals make, a broad scope embracing people at different stages of professional development, and a system that encourages diversity of supply by companies and individuals offering legal services.

In sharing this consultation, we welcome all views on how we should continue to move forward and build on what has already been achieved by our work and the profession we regulate. We believe the only sensible way forward is through open engagement with all interested parties.”

This consultation will run for six weeks and close on 26th June 2023. In addition to this consultation document, CRL will be holding a series of events over the coming weeks to ensure all voices are heard.

For further information including how to respond please access the consultation web page.

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