Should care experience be a ‘protected characteristic’ in law?


The Children’s Commissioner has launched a consultation on whether care experience should be a “protected characteristic” in law akin to that of age, disability, religion, and more. The Commissioner says there is an argument that such a protection would prevent discrimination faced by those who have experience in care. Others, however, suggest it would create […]

Practice Direction Update No 4 of 2023

Ministry of Justice

Ministry of Justice: This Practice Direction (PD) Update No.4 of 2023 makes amendments to two existing Practice Directions underpinning HMCTS’s online systems for certain types of family proceedings. PD36G: This pilot PD underpins HMCTS’s online system whereby applications for certain orders in relation to children, such as for a child arrangements order, can be generated […]

How can separated parents prepare for the summer holidays?

Image of a family during the summer holidays

The summer holidays, for any parent, is an annual event that requires the three Ps – Planning, Preparation and Patience! For separated parents, this can apply even more when trying to negotiate and agree the time spent with their child or children. Often, where there is a Child Arrangement Order or “CAO” already in place, […]