Law Society: “sustained investment needed for courts to recover”

The Justice Committee published the UK government’s response to its report into court capacity last week. Sustained investment is required to enable the overstretched justice system to recover from years of underfunding and cuts, exacerbated by the pandemic, warns the Law Society of England and Wales. Court backlogs and legal aid “Courts are now operating […]
Gongs for legal aid heroes

Legal aid champions got some well-deserved recognition at Legal Aid Lawyer of the Year (LALY) awards held on 12th July. Finalists gathered in London to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the awards, organised by the Legal Aid Practitioners Group, with the ceremony held in-person for the first since before lockdown. “Congratulations to all the winners […]
Summer holidays for separated parents

With school summer holidays fast-approaching, parents will be making plans for their children. For separated parents, this may be a stressful time, particularly when there isn’t an amicable relationship with an ex-partner and you need to try to reach an agreement. Here are some tips for separated parents on how to achieve the best arrangements […]
55% of lawyers received pay rise over the last year

The fight for law firms to retain top performers and attract new talent remains a constant challenge, according to new research from legal recruiter Clayton Legal. Alongside multi-faceted socio-economic factors and a changing competitive environment, firms are also competing with the fact that there are fewer active candidates on the market, as well as some […]