Kingsley Napley announces 2022 partner promotions

Kingsley Napley is pleased to announce four new partners at the firm as part of its annual promotions round. This brings the total number of partners at the firm to an all-time high of 72, of whom 38 (52%) are female. Those being made up to partner, with effect from 1st May 2022, are: Jessica […]

HMCTS publishes guidance on new divorce service


HMCTS has issued guidance on its new divorce service including an overview of the changes to divorce law following the implementation of the Divorce, Dissolution and Separation Act 2020. A range of materials are available including a recording of the webinar on the new divorce service, in addition to the webinar slides and instructional videos.  

Recruitment for the High Court Judicial Assistants scheme

Continued Deterioration Of Court Standards

The High Court of England and Wales has launched the recruitment round for the 2022/23 intake of the Judicial Assistants (JA) scheme. The role of JA offers those in the early years of their professional practice a ringside view of the trial process and first instance decision-making from the perspective of the judge, for the […]