Restrictions to remain in courts for safety

law society appoints interim CEO

Most of the remaining coronavirus restrictions in England are set to be lifted on Monday (19 July) but some may need to be retained to allow courts to run safely and efficiently, the Law Society has warned. “We are pleased to see that things are getting closer to normal with widespread vaccination allowing for restrictions […]

Wellbeing is a priority for busy legal teams

The negative impact of the pandemic on mental health has been in the headlines since the first lockdown, and official statistics[1] for the first quarter of 2021 show that the incidence of depression in the population has doubled since the pandemic first struck. This has serious implications for wellbeing and performance, affecting individuals and organisations […]

44% decrease in cases handled by Forced Marriage Unit in 2020

Statistics published by the Forced Marriage Unit (FMU) reveal a 44% decrease in the number of cases handled in 2020. Figures show that the FMU handled 759 cases in 2020 and an average of 1359 cases annually between 2011 and 2019, representing a 44% decrease in cases received. Of the 759 cases received in 2020, […]

Have your say; final reminder for HMCTS communications and engagement survey


HM Courts and Tribunal Service (HMCTS) is seeking feedback about how it communicates and engages with professionals that work in courts and tribunals. The 2021 communications and engagement survey closes this Friday (16th July) can be accessed here and should take around 15 minutes to complete. The survey is asking for professional court and tribunal users […]