Resolution supports Family Mediation Week
Resolution is backing Family Mediation Week which runs from 18th to 22nd January 2021. Family Mediation Week raises awareness of mediation and how it can help separating families manage their issues collaboratively and productively. This campaign is organised by The Family Mediation Council (FMC) and there are plenty of activities to get involved with during […]
New research raises concerns about virtual child protection conferences
New Research has been published revealing serious concerns and differing opinions about virtual child protection conferences. The Nuffield Family Justice Observatory, who improves the lives of children and families by putting data and evidence at the heart of the family justice system, has published a report on the impact of virtual child protection conferences as […]
Does the Family Court favour mothers?
Does the Family Court favour mothers when determining with which parent dependent children lives? Of course, the starting answer has to be, “Of course not!” but as with all things there is so much more to consider. This is a subjective question if ever there was one, and also a very hard one as every […]
Amir Ali announced as new President of the Professional Paralegal Register
The former Chairman of the CCUA who has over three decades of experience in both Legal and Enforcement sectors, Amir Ali, has become the inaugural President of the Professional Paralegal Register (PPR), a not-for-profit organisation which provides regulation for Paralegals. The inaugural President calls for recognition of the only organisation offering independent regulation for Paralegals […]