Debate Regarding The Future Of The Adoption Support Fund

Thursday 13th February saw the debate in the House of Lords focus on the All Party Parliamentary Group for Adoption and Permanence’s report ‘Investing in families: the Adoption Support Fund beyond 2020’. The debate was proposed by Lord Russell of Liverpool, who had an interest in the debate as governor of the Thomas Coram Foundation for Children. The […]
New Support For Survivors Of Domestic Violence

The Housing Secretary has announced that the Government will provide 75 projects across England with £16.6million to help survivors of domestic abuse. The funding is part of a government drive to bolster protection for survivors of domestic abuse, alongside the eagerly awaited reintroduction of the Domestic Abuse Bill and plans to ensure every council is able to provide essential […]
How Can Adults Assume A Role In Their Partner’s Children’s Lives?

This week, BBC 1 aired the documentary ‘Becoming A Step Family’ which told the story of Rio and Kate Ferdinand and Rio’s children’s journey to becoming a step family after the death of his late wife, and the children’s mother, Rebecca, in 2015. It touched on a number of themes: life and love after loss, […]
Transferring Property Following A Financial Remedy Order: What If The Other Party Refuses To Cooperate?

A property adjustment order is one of the orders that the court has the power to make in determining financial arrangements on divorce, and this can include the transfer of property from one party to another. To put a transfer of property order into effect, it will be necessary for the parties to execute a […]
How Should Cryptoassets Be Treated Legally In Marriage And Divorce?

Cryptoassets continue to grab headlines after the recent decision by a judge in the Commercial Court who found that a cryptoasset, such as Bitcoin, was a form of property capable of being the subject of a proprietary injunction. In this case the claimant obtained an injunction against the defendants, freezing the Bitcoin. This follows on […]