Advising Grandparents Of Their Rights 

Grandparents rights to their grandchildren

A recent Reddit post had social media at loggerheads recently.  A father had asked for opinions on a ‘list’ he had drawn up before the birth of his first baby, stating the dos and don’ts for guests when they came to see the newborn.  New parents can be anxious about their tiny bundle, often worrying about […]

Case of Mediation Increasing But The Court System Still Under Strain

mediation increases but courts under strain

The latest figures from the MoJ has shown increases in the number of mediation assessments for the quarter April – September 2019. Figures released have shown a 14% increase from the last quarter in the amount of Mediation Information and Assessment Meetings (MIAMs) but this is still much lower than the pre-LASPO levels. There was […]