LSB appoints barrister to the Office for Legal Complaints

The Legal Services Board (LSB) announces the appointment of barrister Elaine Banton as a non-lay member of the Office for Legal Complaints (OLC). The LSB oversees the OLC, the board of the Legal Ombudsman, making appointments to its board of both lay and non-lay members. Non-lay members are legally qualified. As a barrister, Elaine acts […]

Armalytix announces its expansion into family law

Family law marked as ‘stable’ area of litigation

Armalytix has announced its strategic expansion into family law. By offering tailored financial tools and intelligence, Armalytix aims to “alleviate common challenges and make the financial discovery process faster and more effective for family lawyers”. With Armalytix’s new tailored offering, family law professionals can establish a party’s financial position by collecting data across various bank […]