‘It’s a real privilege’: Shabana Jaffar on new role as Head of Cafcass Legal

Shabana discusses her recent appointment to the role and shares opportunities to join her team at the Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Service (Cafcass). Aside from a handful of regular meetings and a few cups of tea, there is no typical workday for Cafcass’ newly appointed Head of Legal, Shabana Jaffar. Thankfully, the […]

106% increase in child cruelty and neglect offences in England in the past 5 years

New data shows recorded offences of adults neglecting, mistreating, or assaulting children have doubled over the last 5 years, according to the NSPCC. The NSPCC are concerned that the number of child cruelty offences is increasing steadily year on year. Their analysis of Freedom of Information data from police forces in England has found there […]

Turn conversations into clients

Death, divorce, debt. More often than not, we do not seek out a lawyer when things are going well. When clients require legal services or representation, they are potentially immersed in some of the most stress-laden tribulations of their lives. Irrespective of whether it’s a personal or business-related matter, it is imperative that clients perceive […]