CPR Update: Disclosure of Electronic Documents
Sir Andrew McFarlane, President of the Family Division, has highlighted the provisions of the Civil Procedure Rules (CPR) governing the disclosure of electronic documents and records, including mobile phone records to the family law division. McFarlane previously asked the Family Procedure Rule Committee (FPRC) to consider making these provisions in the Family Procedure Rules (FPR). […]
Scale of AML non-compliance forces SRA into action
Law firms have been warned they must do more to properly assess money laundering risk after a report last week identified 1/3 of firms are still not fully compliant with their obligations. The scale of non-compliance has forced the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA) into issuing a warning notice to “remind the profession of its obligations […]
Child sexual abuse victims have been ‘let down’ by government, says IICSA
The Chairwoman of the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse (IICSA) has expressed disappointment in the government’s handling of the inquiry’s recommendations, stating that victims have been left feeling neglected. Professor Alexis Jay, who concluded the inquiry into the failure of institutions to safeguard children in care from sexual abuse and exploitation one year ago, […]