Getting paid your true worth

Today's Family Lawyer Podcast

The True Worth Expert Vanessa Ugatti joins host David Opie on the latest Today’s Family Lawyer Podcast. Vanessa works with professional services individual and organisations to help them understand their true value, and explain that better to clients to help them get paid their true worth, unapologetically. In her work Vanessa sees individuals and organisations […]

Divorce in best interests?

image of divorce papers

The recent decision of D v S [2023] EWCOP 8 / [2023] EWFC 23 has provided a welcome opportunity for consideration of whether a divorce can be pursued in an individual’s best interests. Joanna Crichton, Legal Director in our Healthcare and Public Law team, represented D’s litigation friend in the Court of Protection proceedings whilst Sarah McCarthy, Senior Chartered […]

In the Yellow Chair: One lawyer, one couple – and one coach?

In the Yellow Chair

This month’s In the Yellow Chair column sees Tom Nash – also known as Mr Divorce Coach – look into the rise of ‘one lawyer, one couple’ models In previous years, the idea of ‘one lawyer, one couple’ has been seen as unfeasible. Why do you think this has changed? There are several factors at […]

Legal aid: Access to advice extended for millions

legal aid

Access to legal aid has been extended to millions more people with barriers reduced for vulnerable groups including domestic abuse victims and children, the Ministry of Justice has announced. This comes following the conclusion of the government’s review of the means testing for civil and criminal legal aid. As a result, over six million more […]

NFJO study shines light on inequalities in children’s social care

social care

The Nuffield Family Justice Observatory (NFJO) has published a new study painting a stark picture of the inequalities and disparities that exist across ethnic groups in the family justice system. The NFJO’s data provides an overview of differences in the demographic characteristics of children from different ethnic groups in care proceedings the legal outcomes for […]

Today’s Family Lawyer set to host conference on surrogacy reform

Please note: with train strikes having affected the previous date for the conference (31st May), Today’s Family Lawyer has taken the difficult decision to change the date to the 19th June 2023. Today’s Family Lawyer is pleased to confirm details of its upcoming conference in London focusing on the proposed reforms to surrogacy laws in […]

Online barristers’ chambers secures significant private equity funding


Online barristers’ chambers The Barrister Group (TBG) has secured significant private equity investment in its mission to bring technology and flexibility to the 21st century Bar. The investment – described as an eight-figure sum – came from LDC, part of Lloyds Banking Group, and is reportedly the first such investment in the Bar of England […]

Outsourced social care relates to worries about vulnerable child placements, research shows

Image of a wooden (digitalised) family with a magnifying glass on the child

A new study shows that the growth in for-profit provision of outsourced children’s services is  linked with out of area and unstable placements.  The study, led by DSPI Senior Postdoctoral Researcher Anders Bach-Mortensen and Research Assistant Benjamin Goodair, revealed “for-profit outsourcing is associated with more looked-after children being placed outside their home areas and ‘greater placement instability’ over […]

Divorce delays for teachers and NHS staff due to pension recalculations

During the recalculation of the public sector pensions, divorcing teachers and NHS staff face delays due to their financial settlements, as reported by the BBC. The Treasury promised a solution by summer after announcing the delay in March. The BBC states that “although only teachers and NHS workers are currently affected, police officers, firefighters and […]