Dealing with menopause in the workplace: 10 top tips

As awareness about Menopause is rising in the public arena, it has highlighted the question of how the menopause should be treated at work and what employers should be doing to support their employees affected by the menopause. Women in the age bracket of 40 to 55 are the fastest-growing demographic in the British workforce […]
Why is it important to complete form E correctly?

Divorce solutions made fair We complete and exchange Form Es in family law almost daily, be it at the start of the court process for the first court hearing, or even if we are trying to settle cases without the need for formal court hearings. Form E is the basic court document which sets […]
SRA confirms SIF extension to September 2023

The Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA) confirmed on Monday that the Solicitors Indemnity Fund (SIF) will be extended to September 2023 following a consultation with the industry earlier this year. The consultation focused on the future of post six-year run-off cover and the SIF. The majority of the 333 respondents did not support ending the requirement […]