US Supreme Court overturns Roe v Wade

In a decision which has stunned America the US Supreme Court has overturned the near 50 year old legislation which legalised abortion in America. The 1973 Roe v Wade ruling, legalising abortion in all states, has been overturned by a vote of 5 to 4 meaning any legislation on whether to legalise abortion is enacted […]
Children participate in “less than half” of private law cases

A study conducted by the Nuffield Family Justice Observatory has concluded that, in the majority of cases, children have “no (or very limited) opportunity to have their voices heard while the court makes important decisions about their future”. The Observatory noted that prior research shows “children overwhelmingly feel unheard” in court proceedings, adding that they […]
High Court judgment paves way for posthumous surrogacy

A judgment in the family division of the High Court has paved the way for a widower to use the last remaining embryo created with his late wife to have a child with a surrogate mother. Ted Jennings and his wife, Fern-Marie Choya, agreed that their embryos could be used should Mr Jennings pass away. […]
Abortion clinic buffer zones to be introduced in Scotland

Following the recent overturning of the landmark US abortion case Roe v Wade, Scottish first minister, Nicola Sturgeon, has said legislation will be passed to enforce protester buffer zones at abortion clinics in Scotland. Nicola Sturgeon this week gave the support of the Scottish government to a member’s bill protecting access to terminations. Under the […]
Bill of Rights raises concerns around costs and rule of law

The British Bill of Rights mooted over recent days and weeks has been met with fierce criticism from across the board, with key issues levelled at the Bill being costs and the rule of law. The Bill, currently going through the House of Commons, would likely give the UK Supreme Court primacy over Courts in […]
Launch of National Deprivation of Liberty (DoLs) Court

The President of the Family Division has announced the launch of a National DoLs (Deprivation of Liberty) court on 4 July 2022. The court will deal with applications seeking authorisation to deprive children of their liberty and will be based at the Royal Courts of Justice under the leadership of Mr Justice Moor. From 4 […]