Social Media. What NOT to Say – 5 Key Rules

Over the last few months, we have seen a number of stories breaking in the news that have proven fantastic for law firms and others, well not so useful. Social Media can be a hot bed for various discussions, where many opinions can be voiced. People are very passionate over social media, but sometimes that […]
Legal profession casts an eye at an uncertain future

The Law Society of England and Wales has today unveiled the first wave of results from its Future Worlds 2050 project to coincide with the 2021 World Technology Law Conference. The project was set up to enable raw, frank and honest discussions around what clients will need in the future and to think about the […]
Divorcing with cryptocurrency

This article is written by Harriet Errington, Partner and Family Lawyer at Boodle Hatfield. It is an increasingly common dilemma of the digital age; the intentionally anonymous nature of cryptocurrencies make them notoriously difficult to deal with in the context of divorce proceedings. Parties to divorce proceedings in England and Wales are required to make […]
Covid-19 accelerates changes to Domestic Abuse Toolkit for Employers

The pandemic has forced the Domestic Abuse Toolkit for Employers to be re-evaluated and changed. The insurance Charities, which drives action against domestic abuse has announced that the Domestic Abuse Toolkit for Employees will be updated due to the Covid-19. The charity commissioned the original Toolkit and this update, driven by a recognition that the […]
New member on the Family Procedures Rules Committee

There has been a new member announced on the Family Procedures Rules Committee (FPRC). Graeme Fraser, a member of Resolution’s National Committee is “honoured and privileged to have been selected to serve” on the FPRC. The FPRC set and maintain the rules of court for all family proceedings as well as the supporting Practice Directions. […]