How has Covid-19 impacted on the ability to get divorced?
The pandemic has put tremendous pressure on UK relationships with even the strongest couples suffering under strain with reports of a rise in marital breakups and applications for divorce, so, what impact has this had on the ability to get divorced? As the year anniversary approaches when the first lockdown ensued, families across the country […]
Rattan v Kuwad: As we were!
Grainne Fahy, family lawyer and IAFL Fellow and Head of Family Law at BLM gives her thoughts on the recent case of Rattan v Kuwad [2021] EWCA Civ 1. I think we can all agree that an application for maintenance pending suit is urgent by its very nature. It is designed to bridge the gap […]
How a divorce coach can support family solicitors
How a divorce coach can support and add value to the work of family solicitors…….. For 10 years now, I have been working exclusively with clients going through painful separations. My work is referred by family solicitors. Their feedback confirms my belief that my role supports and complements their legal work. ‘I want to help […]
Research shows geographic divide in family private law applications
There is a clear north-south divide in the number of private law applications being made, according to research into private family law. According to a recent study by The Nuffield Family Justice Observatory, private law application rates are consistently highest in the North East, North West and Yorkshire and Humber regions, and consistently lowest in […]
HMCTS publishes Q&A on pandemic recovery plan
HM Courts and Tribunals Service (HMCTS) has published a Q&A document following its reform online event on which focused on its recovery plans, progress in the civil, family and tribunals jurisdictions and the unique challenges being faced by them amid the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. Access the Q&A document here.