Future Music Income Exempt From Financial Remedy Agreement

A Judge has rejected that future earnings from a husband’s band tour should be classed as a matrimonial asset susceptible to being shared in their financial remedy claim. Considering the case of a base player in a ‘well known band’, Mostyn J had to rely on expert advice to assess the total income from five […]

Impostor Syndrome: How to Overcome Feeling like a Fraud

Impostor syndrome

I finished my training contract on a Friday, and on Monday morning I started a new role as a qualified solicitor. I was excited about my future career and I felt like I had ‘made it’. Very quickly I began to feel out of my depth, doubts started to creep into my mind – who […]

LSB Launch Legal Professional Competency Consultation

The Legal Services Board (LSB) has launched a call for evidence to examine how regulators should ensure the law firms and the legal service providers they regulate remain competent and up to date with changes to the legal sector. The LSB is looking for respondents to consider four main themes when making their comments. Firstly, […]

Stowe Family Law’s Managing Partner Shares Her Industry Wisdom

Rachel Roberts

As Managing Partner of Stowe Family Law, Rachel Roberts successfully juggles work and life as she is kept busy leading a large team of ten professional family lawyers while keeping her young twins entertained outside work. Known as “a breath of fresh air with a realistic, no-nonsense appraisal of cases and a great client manner”, […]