Is There A Place For Collaboration
The African proverb “it takes a village to raise a child” has become part of our language today. As modern life becomes busier and time is more at a premium than ever before, juggling work and family life can be a tricky task. Our “villages” today have become a network of people that get us […]
Outdated Divorce Law Begins A Much Needed Overhaul
At present, a person looking to divorce can only apply after 2 years of separation, with the agreement of their spouse, or after 5 years of separation should they be unable to obtain consent. Otherwise, they must prove adultery, unreasonable behaviour or desertion. For couples wanting to divorce sooner than 2 years of separation, this […]
Choosing A Suitable Cyber Certification Pathway
I’m sure you will all be familiar with Lexcel. The popular Law Society accreditation that is widely adopted by law firms. Lexcel is an accreditation that is widely respected as it helps create strong frameworks within practicing law firms. The new version of the Lexcel standard (‘v6.1’) became mandatory for all assessments taking place from […]