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The Institute of Paralegals is a professional membership body that connects individuals with the shared purpose of providing professional legal services.

We were incorporated in 2003 and in 2005 we were granted institute status by the Secretary of State for the Department of Trade & Industry, after proving that we met the government’s requirement that we were a “professional body of the highest standing”.

The Institute is the standard setting body for Paralegals as recognised by the unregulated legal services sector regulator, the PPR. We are the only Paralegal Body that is recognised by the voluntary regulator as having robust professional standards.

Our networking opportunities and career hub are there to inspire and promote excellence in the development of Paralegals everywhere. When you join us, you become part of a government recognised professional body that is passionate about promoting the profession.

Contact: Carmen Nadolu, Head of Memberships

Telephone: +44 (0)144 250 8205


The Institute of Paralegals,
Office 10, Maylands Business Centre,
Redbourn Road,
Hemel Hempstead,
